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Circl pavilion dismantling: Progress update

Circl pavilion dismantling: Progress update

Over the past few months, we have made significant progress in dismantling the Circl pavilion. The dismantling contractor, lcp circulair (lcp), has focused on meticulously removing the entire interior fit-out, including all installations with great care and precision.

It is only during the process of dismantling a building that the suitability of materials for reuse becomes fully apparent. Naturally, the aim is to maximize the recovery of reusable materials. Joost Puttenstein, project leader at lcp, comments: “We found that certain elements, such as the floor structure, were less suitable for reuse than initially anticipated. This demonstrates the ongoing challenge of achieving 100% circularity, but also provides valuable lessons for future projects.” All reusable components recovered so far have been carefully labeled and stored for future use.

For the direct surroundings, much of the work may have gone largely unnoticed. A high-quality fence around the site ensured that little of the dismantling process was visible, and given dismantling typically causes less disruption than demolition, little was heard either. Joost adds, “Unfortunately, some activities still caused inconvenience; for example, the removal of gravel in July was noisier than other dismantling activities in the building.”

What to expect for the rest of the year
From October to December, the focus will shift to dismantling the superstructure of the Circl pavilion. The roof and windows will be removed first, followed by the dismantling of the wooden framework. These activities will become more visible to local residents as the building will gradually decrease in height, eventually disappearing below the construction fence line. The dismantling of the second floor is set to begin in mid-October, followed by the first floor at the end of October, and the ground floor by mid-December. All dismantled components will be carefully labeled and transported to a storage location according to detailed loading plans.

Joost explains, “Starting in week 39, a large dismantling crane will be placed on the west side of the Circl pavilion. This will undoubtedly draw some attention, but we remain committed to minimizing the impact on the surrounding area.”